
学生 from 科霍马社区学院's Cosmetology and Barbering programs achieved first, second, and third place at the prestigious Beauty Cast Network Student Fantasy Compeition at the Bronner Brothers International Hair Show held in Atlanta, Georgia, 2月24日至26日.

布朗兄弟. is renowned for its diverse range of beauty products and for organizing 世界上最大的多元文化美容秀. 他们赋予来自不同领域的个人力量 backgrounds to become trailblazers and pioneers in the beauty industry by offering 尖端美容秀体验.

This year, students enrolled in barber and cosmetology programs participated in a 以“瓦坎达”为主题的幻想比赛."

Abriyah道金斯Abriyah道金斯, a Cosmetology Major from Gunnison, MS, competed in the Student Fantasy Competition and claimed first place with her hair theme inspired by "Wakanda Fantasy." 她回想胜利时的心情.

"后 winning, I felt really happy and relieved since it was my first time competing. Winning first place on my first try made me proud," Dawkins shared. “我知道我可以 我做这件事是因为我下定决心了吗. 当我下定决心做某事时,我一定要 它做的."

During the competition, Dawkins focused on hair while Kiara Harris concentrated on 化妆,K. 哈里斯化妆 working simultaneously on the main stage to complete their total look according to 比赛主题. 

Dawkins mentioned that their cosmetology instructor, Nancy Howard, played a valuable 在准备课程和培养团队合作方面发挥作用. 霍华德的灵感图片 sparked ideas, and Dawkins took it from there, bringing those ideas to life.

She also offers encouragement to future cosmetology students who will be attending CCC.

"I encourage anyone interested in pursuing a career in Cosmetology to consider Coahoma 社区学院. You'll gain valuable experiences, and even while in school, you'll 遇到无数的机会,”道金斯建议道.

V.Gomilla Nails ComptVickordesicea Gomilla, a Freshman Cosmetology Major from Shelby, MS, also participated in the competition, securing third place with her "Wakanda Fantasy" nail-themed inspiration. 她分享了自己获胜的感受. 

"后 winning, I felt a sense of relief knowing that I achieved my goal of competing in this competition, especially since it was my first one," Gomilla expressed. “来了 in third place was a joyous moment, especially when competing against such talented 竞争对手."

 Gomilla explains that despite being prepared for the competition, she had difficulty organizing her thoughts on the designs she wanted to use until the last minute. 后 much consideration, she gave it her all to achieve the final result.

She also discusses the significance this achievement will have for the future of the 美甲师行业.

"This will pave the way for future nail technicians to access more opportunities and gain recognition in an expanding industry," Gomilla commented.

CCC的美容 instructor, Nancy Howard, also expressed how tideuous the preparation 过程是为他们准备的.

"Our work isn't just about dressing up models; it's an intricate process. 我们奉献 hundreds of hours to planning for competitions, ensuring each look is uniquely crafted. Rather than simply replicating Wakandan characters, we aimed to embody the essence 瓦坎达,”霍华德说. “我们广泛研究了Mbe族的发型 group and symbols from the Nsibidi script and Ekoi/Ejagham culture of Nigeria."

Around 95% of the model's look was handmade, including a skirt crafted from leather 还有一个黑豹盾牌. 学生们手工制作珠宝、鞋子等 headpieces in classes and tree limbs near campus were used and polished by the Carpentry 部门. Janae Eckles, a Cosmetology student, used a wood burner to engrave studied symbols on all three wood pieces, while blades made from hair were assembled onto 每一块都形成一个球体.

学生们与顶尖的美容师竞争 & 业内的理发学校. They didn't just participate in shows; they also attended continuing education classes to learn new techniques, enhance product knowledge, acquire technique certifications, 并与全球顶级造型师建立联系.

罗德里克·鲍德里奇第二名罗德里克 Baldridge, a Sophomore Barbering Major from Benoit, MS, joined the competition and clinched second place with his "Wakanda Themed" haircut inspiration. 他的股票 他获胜后的兴奋.

“获得第二名对我来说是一个惊喜. 直到我去了才明白 live and received congratulations from my friends, family, and clients. 这是真的 一个难忘的时刻,”鲍德里奇说.

During the preparation for his competition idea, Baldridge revealed that the creative 过程很激烈. His initial concept had to be discarded because it didn't align 主题是“永远的瓦坎达”. 然而,与他一起的同学和 instructor, they managed to put together an impressive 20-minute costume design just 演出前. The freestyle cut he executed was a familiar technique, but this 是时候完善它了.

Baldridge also expresses how this process helps him appreciate CCC’s Barbering Program.

CCC的美容 & Barbering Instructors expressed their gratitude for their students' 成就. They find it overwhelming to witness the hard work and dedication of their students come to life in a way that people from all over the world can witness 和欣赏.

Winning participants were awarded trophies, branded gift packages, and a variety of 随着比赛的结束,他获得了奖品.

Bronner Brothers encourages students to attend, providing opportunities to learn, explore the show floor, unleash creativity, connect with industry icons, and shop.

1947年,博士. 纳撒尼尔·H. 老布朗,. 和他的弟弟亚瑟. 老布朗,. ( original Bronner Brothers), along with their sister, Emma Bronner, began teaching 佐治亚州亚特兰大市巴特勒街基督教青年会的美容师.

This initiative led to the inception of the first 布朗兄弟. 贸易展览会 最初吸引了约300名与会者. Mr. 布朗纳不知疲倦地寻找着正 and motivating individuals nationwide to participate in the show. 这么多年来, 出席人数从最初的300人猛增到3万多人.

布朗纳兄弟的目标. 美妆节目是为了启发、教育和提升美容 professionals, students, and the multicultural beauty industry.